Nephron Research Specialty Market Model 2021-2025

On Monday, Eric Percher and Nephron Research released its annual Nephron Specialty Market Model now extending to 2025.  This is always a must-read among therapeutics-focused investors,  pharma executive leadership, biz dev, market access and policy teams.

  • Nephron’s market model is a bottom’s up analysis of projections for 1,300+ specialty products segmenting across 18 therapeutic classes and distinguishing between the physician office/clinic channel (we term specialty distribution) and the home and alt. site channel (specialty pharmacy).
  • Beyond the market analysis, the report includes a review of market share across PBMs, pharmacies and distributors and also outlines key strategic and organizational developments among these players impacting the years to come (with a bonus section on The Rise of PBM Contracting Entities).

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